Anna’s War, a visually evocative Holocaust tale of a small girl hiding from Nazis in a chimney, is being screened at Event Cinemas in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth this June as a part of a monthly film series by The Russian Resurrection Film Festival.
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Aleksey Fedorchenko, Anna’s War is set during WWII and tells the story of a little Jewish girl, Anna who hides in a disused fireplace of the Nazi commandant’s office. From there she views the war and life passing by. Anna’s War disposes this difficult subject matter with an imaginative twist and leaves its viewers mesmerised for days.
The film has been a hit on the festival circuit this year, winning Best Film at the 2019 Russian Golden Eagle Awards and NIKA Awards 2019.
The screening is a part of a series of film screenings The Russian Resurrection Film Festival will present at Event Cinemas over the next four months. Each month will feature either a new Russian blockbuster or renowned Russian classic aimed at introducing audiences to films they’d not likely see anywhere else.
Russian Film Festival Director Nicholas Maksymow said “Anna’s War is a visually striking film told through the unique perspective of a young girl trying to survive. We’re really pleased to be able to bring this masterpiece in storytelling to audiences in Australia.”
The Russian Resurrection Film Festival is one of the largest, oldest and most respected film festivals outside of Russia. Running across November in capital cities all over Australia, the Festival aims to bring the freshest, most groundbreaking Russian cinema to Australian shores.
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