Green Ant Painting is a commercial and residential painting company servicing Darwin and the surrounding areas.
Green Ant Painting has been operating since 2000 as a registered business. We are headed by Corey Chirgwin, who has built up a reputation for quality work using only premium products to ensure clients get the best possible finish and lasting results. Over the past 15 years, Green Ant Painting has been at the forefront of using the newest and best possible products as they emerge on the market and providing clients with a safe and alternative way of protecting and enhancing their property.
At Green Ant Painting, we are accredited green painters with the Green Painters Program – a national sustainability initiative for the painting industry.Therefore, our teamis committed to doing the right thing by the environment and the health of our clients through all of the painting services we provide. In accordance with this, we recommend the application of no VOC / low VOC painting products where possible for your painting jobs.
We offer full specifications on the products and systems we use, leaving you with no doubt that the correct systems of primers, undercoats and finish coats are being used for your project. This is backed by a warranty on all of the paint we use, so you can be assured that your new painting job will last.
We also offer a colour consultancy service from a local interior designer to help in colour selections for your home or commercial premises.
If you are interested in hearing more about our company or would like to utilise our premium painting services, do not hesitate to contact the team via our contact us page or call Corey on 0419309015. We are always happy to chat about your painting requirements.